Welcome to Kauai Kunana Dairy's Blog

Yes us farmers are busting into the 21st century so we can let people know whats new on the farm. I hope to be able to update it at least once a week.

Kid Crop 09

Kid Crop 09

Sunday, April 18, 2010

SBA awards

This last Thursday the Wooton family who runs Kauai Kunana Dairy was honored by the SBA, Kauai Chamber of Commerce, Kauai County Council, and the Mayor for being Kauai's best home based business in 2010. The entire farm was invited to the award ceremony where we recieved our award alongside other members of the busine...ss community. Bob and Louisa will be flying to Oahu for the State awards to see if we won any state awards. Wish us luck.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Rained all day yesterday and all last night. The farm is pretty saturated. Supposed to do a farm tour today. I guess we will wait and see if we get a little sun this morning to dry it out. Doesn't look like it though.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kauai's SBA best Home Based Bussines

Kauai Kunana Dairy is Kauai's SBA best Home Based Bussines. Ther is a article that came out this week about our farm and why we won the award. Sarah and Louisa were also awarded for women in Business. We will be going to a award ceremony at the end of the month to see how we did among the State. Thanks to all that support us.
Here is a link to the article

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2-07-10 Farm Tour

Had a large farm tour today. A total of 22 people. Everybody seemed to have a good time and loved the cheese. Hopefully we can keep the tour size around here the rest of the year. Mahalo to all our tour goers.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Dining out with chai

Last Sunday there was a small add with Ryan talking about the Dairy on Dining out with Chai. The Sheraton was doing a dish featuring our cheese so they came to the farm and filmed some things around the farm. This was the second time they have showed this show since filming us this summer. Attached is a link to the website that has the recipe they were making with the cheese.

Baby Chicks

We just got in a new batch of baby chicks to replace our older chickens this year. Check out a few pics of the day old babies.